DirectBuy is a savings club that guarantees our members the lowest price on hundreds of thousands of products from top brands for practically everything for in and around the home.
For over 50 years, DirectBuy has enabled members to purchase directly from brand name manufacturers and eliminated retail markup, effectively stretching the member’s dollar further and allowing every member to save money, buy more and buy better.
From furniture, cabinetry and appliances to mattresses, electronics, lighting and much more, DirectBuy members shop and purchase from our members’-only website or use our dedicated team of concierge shopping agents.
Sign up and start saving today! Visit our website or contact us by phone or email.
Monday thru Friday 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM EST
* Furniture
* Appliances
* Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets
* Window Treatments
* Mattresses
* Kitchen & Bathroom Fixtures
* Electronics
* Lighting & Ceiling Fans